{ "name": "NFTName", "id": 0, "description": "ERC721 Metadata API in json format. As an already widely adopted standard for NFTs, this could be used as a simple extension to Ordinals. With an easy-to-implement already pre-defined standard for Marketplaces and Applications, this makes for a simple solution for collections and collectors, while expanding utility to larger datasets using permaweb methods like arweave. The 'id' field is meant as a solution to identify collections with a collection-bound sequence. This is brought to you by Gridacity.", "image": "https://arweave.net/iUsTgoAJO0FrYUJHjToKrsKVOerzvk7oIdsnFL9KB4A", "data": "https://any-link-to-additional-data", "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "SomeTrait", "value": "Excited" }, { "trait_type": "Hat", "value": "Cap" } ] }
Inscription number 145,062
Genesis block 777,336
File type json
File size 802 b
Creation date