{ "subject": "Re: resource hog", "content": { "format": "html", "body": "<div class=\"post\">In Windows, you select the process in the task manager, right click, Set Priority.&nbsp; Set it to BelowNormal or Low.&nbsp; That shouldn't make a difference though.<br/><br/>If you turn off Generate Coins, does the CPU usage go flat?&nbsp; That would confirm that all the CPU time it's taking is generate, which is idle priority already.<br/><br/>It could be it's slow just because you have too many things running at once and you're out of memory.&nbsp; When you switch from one thing to another, it has to page it in from disk.</div>" }, "source": { "name": "Bitcoin Forum", "url": "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=327.msg2871#msg2871" }, "date": "2010-07-14T16:29:39Z" }
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