{ "subject": "Re: Setting up multiple bitcoin machines behind NAT", "content": { "format": "html", "body": "<div class=\"post\">Right now there isn't a port number setting to do that. &nbsp;It's a feature yet to be implemented. &nbsp;You can only set up your NAT to port-forward to one of the computers. &nbsp;(I said something earlier about NAT port translation, but that wouldn't work, other nodes wouldn't know to connect to that port)<br/><br/>If you want, as a small optimization, you could run the rest of your computers as:<br/>bitcoin -connect=&lt;the IP of the first computer&gt;<br/><br/>so they get all their network communication from the first computer and don't all connect over the net individually for the same information. &nbsp;This saves bandwidth, although it doesn't use much bandwidth to begin with, so it wouldn't really matter unless you had tons of computers.<br/><br/>For redundancy in case the first computer goes down, you could have two that connect out and the rest connect to both of them. &nbsp;The first two are run normally, the rest are run like:<br/>bitcoin -connect=&lt;IP1&gt; -connect=&lt;IP2&gt;</div>" }, "source": { "name": "Bitcoin Forum", "url": "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=54.msg360#msg360" }, "date": "2010-02-16T01:34:56Z" }
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