{ "subject": "Accounts example code", "content": { "format": "html", "body": "<div class=\"post\">Some sample pseudocode using the new Accounts based commands in 0.3.18.<br/><br/>print \"send to \" + getaccountaddress(username) + \" to fund your account\"<br/>print \"balance: \" + getbalance(username, 0)<br/>print \"available balance: \" + getbalance(username, 6)<br/><br/>// if you make a sale, move the money from their account to your \"\" account<br/>if (move(username, \"\", amount, 6, \"purchased item\"))<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;SendTheGoods()<br/><br/>// withdrawal<br/>sendfrom(username, bitcoinaddress, amount, 6, \"withdrawal by user\")<br/><br/>You can use listtransactions(username) to show them a list of their recent transactions.<br/></div>" }, "source": { "name": "Bitcoin Forum", "url": "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2202.msg28947#msg28947" }, "date": "2010-12-10T19:21:03Z" }
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