"subject": "[bitcoin-list] Bitcoin 0.2 released",
"content": {
"format": "email",
"body": "Bitcoin 0.2 is here!\n\nDownload (Windows, and now Linux version available)\nhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/bitcoin/files/\n\nNew Features\n\nMartti Malmi\n - Minimize to system tray option\n - Autostart on boot option so you can keep it running in the \nbackground automatically\n - New options dialog layout for future expansion\n - Setup program for Windows\n - Linux version (tested on Ubuntu)\nSatoshi Nakamoto\n - Multi-processor support for coin generation\n - Proxy support for use with TOR\n - Fixed some slowdowns in the initial block download\n\nWe also have a new forum at http://www.bitcoin.org/smf/\n\nMany thanks to Martti (sirius-m) for all his development work, and to \nNew Liberty Standard for his help with testing the Linux version.\n\nSatoshi Nakamoto\n\n\n"
"source": {
"name": "bitcoin-list",
"url": "https://sourceforge.net/p/bitcoin/mailman/message/24205662/"
"date": "2009-12-17T06:52:09Z"