{ "subject": "Re: Memory leak", "content": { "format": "html", "body": "<div class=\"post\">You're connecting to yourself.&nbsp; All 21 connection attempts were to a node with version 31300 (0.3.13).&nbsp; Not everyone has 0.3.13 yet.<br/><br/>IRC seems to be working.&nbsp; It ought to have other nodes to try.<br/><br/>There may be something I need to do to make sure it doesn't try to connect to itself again right away after disconnecting.&nbsp; I can't see how it's happening though, it should be resetting nLastTry which would put it to the back of the queue, but the log doesn't show it.<br/><br/>You can try moving addr.dat aside.&nbsp; Maybe there's something wrong in it.<br/><br/>Are you using -addnode?</div>" }, "source": { "name": "Bitcoin Forum", "url": "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1023.msg15150#msg15150" }, "date": "2010-10-03T22:07:00Z" }
Inscription number 18,209,990
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