{ "subject": "Re: RFC: ship block chain 1-74000 with release tarballs?", "content": { "format": "html", "body": "<div class=\"post\">It seems like you're inclined to assume everything is wrong more than is actually so.<br/><br/>Writing the block index is light work. &nbsp;Building the tx index is much more random access per block. &nbsp;I suspect reading all the prev txins is what's slow. &nbsp;Read caching would help that. &nbsp;It's best if the DB does that. &nbsp;Maybe it has a setting for how much cache memory to use.<br/><br/><div class=\"quoteheader\">Quote</div><div class=\"quote\">1) bitcoin should be opening databases, not just environment, at program startup, and closing database at program shutdown. <br/></div>Already does that. &nbsp;See CDB. &nbsp;The lifetime of the (for instance) CTxDB object is only to support database transactions and to know if anything is still using the database at shutdown.<br/><br/><div class=\"quoteheader\">Quote</div><div class=\"quote\">And, additionally, bitcoin forces a database checkpoint, pushing all transactions from log into main database.<br/></div>If it was doing that it would be much slower. &nbsp;It's supposed to be only once a minute or 500 blocks:<br/><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;if (strFile == \"blkindex.dat\" &amp;&amp; IsInitialBlockDownload() &amp;&amp; nBestHeight % 500 != 0)<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;nMinutes = 1;<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;dbenv.txn_checkpoint(0, nMinutes, 0);<br/><br/>Probably should add this:<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;if (!fReadOnly)<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;dbenv.txn_checkpoint(0, nMinutes, 0);<br/><br/><div class=\"quoteheader\">Quote</div><div class=\"quote\">2) For the initial block download, txn commit should occur once every N records, not every record. &nbsp;I suggest N=1000.<br/></div>Does transaction commit imply flush? &nbsp;That seems surprising to me. &nbsp;I assume a database op wrapped in a transaction would be logged like any other database op. &nbsp;Many database applications need to wrap almost every pair of ops in a transaction, such as moving money from one account to another. (debit a, credit b) &nbsp;I can't imagine they're required to batch all their stuff up themselves.<br/><br/>In the following cases, would case 1 flush once and case 2 flush twice?<br/><br/>case 1:<br/>write<br/>write<br/>write<br/>write<br/>checkpoint<br/><br/>case 2:<br/>begin transaction<br/>write<br/>write<br/>commit transaction<br/>begin transaction<br/>write<br/>write<br/>commit transaction<br/>checkpoint<br/><br/>Contorting our database usage will not be the right approach. &nbsp;It's going to be BDB settings and caching.</div>" }, "source": { "name": "Bitcoin Forum", "url": "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1931.msg25449#msg25449" }, "date": "2010-11-29T20:19:12Z" }
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