{ "subject": "Re: Cooperative mining", "content": { "format": "html", "body": "<div class=\"post\">ribuck's description is spot on.<br/><br/>Pool operators can modify their getwork to take one additional parameter, the address to send your share to.<br/><br/>The easy way for the pool operator would be to wait until the next block is found and divy it up proportionally as:<br/>user's near-hits/total near-hits from everyone<br/><br/>That would be easier and safer to start up. &nbsp;It also has the advantage that multiple hits from the same user can be combined into one transaction. &nbsp;A lot of your hits will usually be from the same people.<br/><br/>The instant gratification way would be to pay a fixed amount for each near-hit immediately, and the operator takes the risk from randomness of having more or less near-hits before a block is found. <br/><br/>Either way, the user who submits the hit that solves the block should get an extra amount off the top, like 10 BTC.<br/><br/>New users wouldn't really even need the Bitcoin software. &nbsp;They could download a miner, create an account on mtgox or mybitcoin, enter their deposit address into the miner and point it at anyone's pool server. &nbsp;When the miner says it found something, a while later a few coins show up in their account.<br/><br/>Miner writers better make sure they never false-positive near-hits.&nbsp; Users will depend on that to check if the pool operator is cheating them. &nbsp;If the miner wrongly says it found something, users will look in their account, not find anything, and get mad at the pool operator.</div>" }, "source": { "name": "Bitcoin Forum", "url": "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1976.msg25119#msg25119" }, "date": "2010-11-28T16:03:30Z" }
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