{ "subject": "Re: A newb's test - anyone want to buy a picture for $1?", "content": { "format": "html", "body": "<div class=\"post\">The recommended ways to do a payment for an order:<br/>1) The merchant has a static IP, the customer sends to it with a comment.<br/>2) The merchant creates a new bitcoin address, gives it to the customer, the customer sends to that address. &nbsp;This will be the standard way for website software to do it.<br/><br/>RSA vs ECDSA: it's not the size of the executable but the size of the data. &nbsp;I thought it would be impractical if the block chain, bitcoin addresses, disk space and bandwidth requirements were all an order of magnitude bigger. &nbsp;Also, even if using RSA for messages, it would still make sense to do all the bitcoin network with ECDSA and use RSA in parallel for only the message part. &nbsp;In that case, everything that's been implemented up to now would be implemented exactly as it has been.<br/><br/>We can figure out the best way to do this much later. &nbsp;It could use a separate (maybe existing) e-mail or IM infrastructure to pass messages, and instead of RSA, maybe just put a hash of the message in the transaction to prove that the transaction is for the order described in the message. &nbsp;The message would have to include a salt so nobody could brute force the hash to reveal a short message.</div>" }, "source": { "name": "Bitcoin Forum", "url": "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=25.msg173#msg173" }, "date": "2010-01-29T00:22:13Z" }
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