{ "subject": "New getwork", "content": { "format": "html", "body": "<div class=\"post\">I uploaded a redesign of m0mchil's getwork to SVN rev 189 (version 31601)<br/><br/>m0mchil's external bitcoin miner idea has solved a lot of problems. &nbsp;GPU programming is immature and hard to compile, and I didn't want to add additional dependencies to the build. &nbsp;getwork allows these problems to be solved separately, with different programs for different hardware and OSes. &nbsp;It's also convenient that server farms can run a single Bitcoin node and the rest only run getwork clients.<br/><br/>The interface has a few changes:<br/><br/>getwork [data]<br/>If [data] is not specified, returns formatted hash data to work on:<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;\"midstate\" : precomputed hash state after hashing the first half of the data<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;\"data\" : block data<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;\"hash1\" : formatted hash buffer for second hash<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;\"target\" : little endian hash target<br/>If [data] is specified, tries to solve the block and returns true if it was successful. &nbsp;[data] is the same 128 byte block data that was returned in the \"data\" field, but with the nonce changed.<br/><br/>Notes: <br/>- It does not return work when you submit a possible hit, only when called without parameter.<br/>- The block field has been separated into data and hash1.<br/>- data is 128 bytes, which includes the first half that's already hashed by midstate.<br/>- hash1 is always the same, but included for convenience.<br/>- Logging of \"ThreadRPCServer method=getwork\" is disabled, it would be too much junk in the log.<br/></div>" }, "source": { "name": "Bitcoin Forum", "url": "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1901.msg23876#msg23876" }, "date": "2010-11-23T19:50:12Z" }
Inscription number 18,210,110
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