{ "subject": "Re: tcatm's 4-way SSE2 for Linux 32/64-bit is in 0.3.10", "content": { "format": "html", "body": "<div class=\"post\"><div class=\"quoteheader\"><a href=\"https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=820.msg9665#msg9665\">Quote from: jgarzik on August 16, 2010, 03:35:28 AM</a></div><div class=\"quote\"><div class=\"codeheader\">Code:</div><div class=\"code\">cpu family<span style=\"white-space: pre;\"> </span>: 6<br/>model<span style=\"white-space: pre;\"> </span><span style=\"white-space: pre;\"> </span>: 26<br/>model name<span style=\"white-space: pre;\"> </span>: Genuine Intel(R) CPU&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;000&nbsp; @ 3.20GHz<br/>stepping<span style=\"white-space: pre;\"> </span>: 4</div></div>cpu family 6 model 26 stepping 4 is an Intel Core i7.<br/>That's a 23% speedup with -4way, 63% total speedup with -4way + hyperthreading.<br/>33% faster with hyperthreading than without it.</div>" }, "source": { "name": "Bitcoin Forum", "url": "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=820.msg9676#msg9676" }, "date": "2010-08-16T04:36:59Z" }
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