{ "subject": "Re: RFC: ship block chain 1-74000 with release tarballs?", "content": { "format": "html", "body": "<div class=\"post\">It's not the downloading that takes the time, it's verifying and indexing it.<br/><br/>Bandwidthwise, it's more efficient than if you downloaded an archive.&nbsp; Bitcoin only downloads the data in blk0001.dat, which is currently 55MB, and builds blkindex.dat itself, which is 47MB.&nbsp; Building blkindex.dat is what causes all the disk activity.<br/><br/>During the block download, it only flushes the database to disk every 500 blocks.&nbsp; You may see the block count pause at ??499 and ??999.&nbsp; That's when it's flushing.<br/><br/>Doing your own verifying and indexing is the only way to be sure your index data is secure.&nbsp; If you copy blk0001.dat and blkindex.dat from an untrusted source, there's no way to know if you can trust all the contents in them.<br/><br/>Maybe Berkeley DB has some tweaks we can make to enable or increase cache memory.<br/></div>" }, "source": { "name": "Bitcoin Forum", "url": "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1931.msg24438#msg24438" }, "date": "2010-11-25T17:51:39Z" }
Inscription number 18,210,124
Genesis block 799,367
File type json
File size 1.24 KB
Creation date