"subject": "Re: RFC: remove DB_PRIVATE flag",
"content": {
"format": "html",
"body": "<div class=\"post\">Trying it without the DB_PRIVATE flag in rev 153. We need to keep an eye on what's different.<br/><br/>On Windows at least, it creates six __db.001 - __db.006 files with sizes from 24K to 4MB. It doesn't delete them on exit, it just leaves them behind.<br/><br/>The docs say it uses memory mapped files. I assume they have the same file permissions as the database files, so the same user access restrictions apply.<br/><br/>Tests on Windows private LAN download of 78500 blocks:<br/>with DB_PRIVATE 20 minutes 51 seconds<br/>without DB_PRIVATE 20 minutes 51 seconds<br/><br/>I wasn't expecting them to come out exactly the same.</div>"
"source": {
"name": "Bitcoin Forum",
"url": "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=920.msg12484#msg12484"
"date": "2010-09-12T18:00:39Z"