"subject": "Re: 0.3 almost ready",
"content": {
"format": "html",
"body": "<div class=\"post\">Here's RC1 for linux for testing:<br/>(link removed, see below)<br/><br/>It contains both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries.<br/><br/>Recent changes:<br/><br/>build-unix.txt:<br/>- Added instructions for building wxBase, which is needed to compile bitcoind.<br/>- The package libboost-dev doesn't install anything anymore, you need to get libboost-all-dev.<br/>- Updated version numbers.<br/><br/>makefile.unix:<br/>- The libboost libraries have removed the \"-mt\" from their filenames in 1.40. If you're compiling with Boost 1.38 or lower, like on Ubuntu Karmic, you would need to change it back to boost_system-mt and boost_filesystem-mt.</div>"
"source": {
"name": "Bitcoin Forum",
"url": "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=199.msg1748#msg1748"
"date": "2010-06-24T17:40:05Z"