{ "subject": "Re: Proof-of-work difficulty increasing", "content": { "format": "html", "body": "<div class=\"post\">I integrated the hashmeter idea into the SVN version.&nbsp; It displays khash/s in the left section of the status bar.<br/><br/>Two new log messages:<br/>21/06/2010 01:23 hashmeter&nbsp; &nbsp;2 CPUs&nbsp; &nbsp; 799 khash/s<br/>21/06/2010 01:23 generated 50.00<br/><br/>grep your debug.log for \"generated\" to see what you've generated, and grep for \"hashmeter\" to see the performance.&nbsp; On windows, use:<br/>&nbsp;findstr \"hashmeter generated\" \"%appdata%\bitcoin\\debug.log\"<br/><br/>I have the hashmeter messages once an hour.&nbsp; How often do you think it should be?</div>" }, "source": { "name": "Bitcoin Forum", "url": "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=43.msg1648#msg1648" }, "date": "2010-06-21T18:09:17Z" }
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