"p": "vord",
"v": 1,
"ty": "col",
"title": "Trumpinals",
"desc": "The first free to mint digital collection on Bitcoin and Ordzaar that is inspired by the most based POTUS of our generation. We are on a mission to make Bitcoin great again! If you love freedom then join the Trumpinals army. ",
"url": "https://ordzaar.com/marketplace/collections/trumpinals/mints",
"slug": "trumpinals",
"creator": {
"name": "Trump One",
"email": "[email protected]",
"address": "bc1q75dnyg6yftnc5zt3j037pc6cxvsjsz4p39a76q"
"royalty": {
"address": "bc1q75dnyg6yftnc5zt3j037pc6cxvsjsz4p39a76q",
"pct": 0.13
"publ": [
"insc": [
"iid": "Trumpinals",
"lim": 1776
Inscription number 54,304,835
Genesis block 825,407
File type json
File size 656 b
Creation date