"id": "82edf2a52fde",
"meta": {
"name": "ShadowSweep 3",
"type": "software",
"image": "Qma3qQjrNTGCCRJEpBBkdwTdmfHkEXoyvuzHLd9bDGX9Rn",
"rarity": "uncommon",
"description": "The ShadowSweep series seamlessly blends obfuscation tools with anonymity protocols. It masks digital activities while hiding users` identities, ensuring a discreet presence in the early phases of exploration. The version 0.0.3 is an upgraded version of the version 0.0.1, more powerful and with better performance.",
"chain": "on-chain",
"trait": {
"battery_cost": 0.5,
"ram_cost": 1,
"hd_cost": 1,
"Obfuscation and Anonymity": 5
"signature": "IHc99fiyhV8/RKCVMZg6HmAgKDcKzKJtVl1kvsDrDCGBENJoYSXvas57DRBLlp0v/rcSnj5KI04A12G1r9bHj+g="