{ "id": "069a0d829eaf", "meta": { "name": "Moon Miner", "type": "miner", "image": "QmY73TwZsVR4EGLc2JZMi57AfWCTLpRTjjqd6HCvvNRKPe", "rarity": "rare", "description": "The Moon Miner stands as a prized hardware artifact within the unforgiving expanse of Dark City. It empowers its possessor with heightened XP accumulation points, a technological edge crucial for those striving to thrive in the ruthless Dnet.", "trait": { "xp_boost": 1.1 } }, "signature": "H/y9Z5sQtAgC2u5FFt470m9S3yWzYH7fMPJlon0Px0u4QZIBKMpaDnXPCrlP1RGPGijSmX3tgf5fA1hUVXfRtGQ=" }
Inscription number 59,214,782
Genesis block 828,327
File type json
File size 526 b
Creation date