{ "p": "vord", "v": 1, "ty": "col", "title": "Node Bitcoin taproot ", "desc": "Introducing our NFT collection crafted to commemorate the Bitcoin Taproot upgrade, celebrating the sentimental value and fostering connection through these roots. \n\nEach unique root, meticulously hand-drawn with 2500 pixels in pixel art, embodies a nostalgic essence. Every single root is a one-of-a-kind creation, ensuring that no image is alike. Embrace these exclusive digital artworks as a timeless keepsake of the Bitcoin Taproot evolution\n\nConnect your roots ", "url": "https://ordzaar.com/marketplace/collections/bitcointaproot/mints", "slug": "bitcointaproot", "creator": { "name": "709.632", "email": "[email protected]", "address": "bc1pz3gkcwqlmdqgms027c72kwftlgqgdy2z065szdqn67yd2pgmc0ustvfrkv" }, "royalty": { "address": "36m2UXRZ8NUxTxqWerYJ4AP3zzbDBLKgYj", "pct": 0.025 }, "publ": [ "1ES7b3pcjRzFgyiiqLrxHKTnChe56LJHY7" ], "insc": [ { "iid": "Node Bitcoin taproot ", "lim": 420 } ] }
Inscription number 60,360,290
Genesis block 829,831
File type json
File size 944 b
Creation date