{ "p": "vord", "v": 1, "ty": "col", "title": "Michael Jordan 86", "desc": "The 1986 Fleer Michael Jordan rookie card is a highly sought after collectible due to its historical significance as Jordan's first recognized NBA trading card. This card is widely considered the cornerstone of modern basketball card collecting and is emblematic of Jordan's legendary career.", "url": "https://ordzaar.com/marketplace/collections/jordan86/mints", "slug": "jordan86", "creator": { "name": "Fleer", "email": "[email protected]", "address": "bc1ppxnkqccqmz5hzsc30wymgapys5rttlxmdwn4yxht429eug90c9zqandjq5" }, "royalty": { "address": "3P3eeatSFn6DodYZrkafzgR3hz5o62kysD", "pct": 0.023 }, "publ": [ "1ES7b3pcjRzFgyiiqLrxHKTnChe56LJHY7" ], "insc": [ { "iid": "Michael Jordan 86", "lim": 100 } ] }
Inscription number 67,711,062
Genesis block 838,138
File type json
File size 743 b
Creation date