{ "p": "vord", "v": 1, "ty": "col", "title": "Boxels Genesis", "desc": "Boxels: enigmatic, eternal beings etched into the Bitcoin blockchain, signaling the genesis of a multi-chain token system. Each trait holds equal rarity, inviting collectors to find subjective resonance in their mystique. This collection is CCO for token holders and grants access to the Memebox community.", "url": "https://ordzaar.com/marketplace/collections/boxelsgenesis/mints", "slug": "boxelsgenesis", "creator": { "name": "Memebox", "email": "[email protected]", "address": "bc1phscc7vgghjnhhue0knta9pq6llp9y03x9yvg5u0eh75uecahx6sszjcuhs" }, "royalty": { "address": "38UjCS6C3dATXDDxJEALrZVgADPrBg8Fvw", "pct": 0.1 }, "publ": [ "1ES7b3pcjRzFgyiiqLrxHKTnChe56LJHY7" ], "insc": [ { "iid": "Boxels Genesis", "lim": 10000 } ] }
Inscription number 69,141,168
Genesis block 839,180
File type json
File size 763 b
Creation date