{ "p": "vord", "v": 1, "ty": "col", "title": "Bitcoin Pixel Mushrooms", "desc": "In a mystical forest far away their lives 10,000 bitcoin pixel mushrooms each one appeared after the next on a rainy day be careful what ones you eat some are toxic ", "url": "https://ordzaar.com/marketplace/collections/bitcoin-pixel-mushrooms-by-wm97-nft-art-society/mints", "slug": "bitcoin-pixel-mushrooms-by-wm97-nft-art-society", "creator": { "name": "Wm97 Nft Art Society", "email": "[email protected]", "address": "bc1p4023p5kr0xapnhzls8l5zxdswgy64yxg9m59200ue6jp3yh7tvesxjxwsk" }, "royalty": { "address": "3DycoYgp3Bjh5BJqAxCyhzufsrvZ45tSPi", "pct": 0.035 }, "publ": [ "1ES7b3pcjRzFgyiiqLrxHKTnChe56LJHY7" ], "insc": [ { "iid": "Bitcoin Pixel Mushrooms", "lim": 10000 } ] }
Inscription number 70,549,081
Genesis block 841,436
File type json
File size 725 b
Creation date