"p": "vord",
"v": 1,
"ty": "col",
"title": "Bzaar",
"desc": "Over a thousand years ago, a coin was predicted by a solitary mystic in the depths of an ancient forest. Cloaked in a robe as dark as the starless night, this enigmatic figure whispered secrets of a future where wealth would be invisible and intangible, yet more powerful than any metal or gemstone.\nOnce day ancient Bzaardinals will cooking something excited!\nJoin Bzaar journey right now.",
"url": "https://ordzaar.com/marketplace/collections/bzaardinal/mints",
"slug": "bzaardinal",
"creator": {
"name": "ninglionair",
"email": "[email protected]",
"address": "bc1pwxmww0e6hq6d76g9vc2y5dc0eq5j98jr6c4wf9h9x7en6xxtflgsk4yp3g"
"royalty": {
"address": "bc1pwxmww0e6hq6d76g9vc2y5dc0eq5j98jr6c4wf9h9x7en6xxtflgsk4yp3g",
"pct": 0.05
"publ": [
"insc": [
"iid": "Bzaar",
"lim": 1
Inscription number 71,818,774
Genesis block 849,012
File type json
File size 852 b
Creation date