"p": "vord",
"v": 1,
"ty": "col",
"title": "Fiart Silver",
"desc": "FFCs (Former.Fiat.Coins) & FNFs (Fungible.Not.Fungibles) are the first PFPs and rune tokens backed by real-world assets: the precious-metal value of former fiat coins + their historical value, i.e., their value at auction. Minters of FFCs receive one FNF rune on the silver standard: each of the five runes etched for this collection is equivalent to ~3g of silver, backed by five Roman denarii totaling ~15g of silver, including coins minted by Mark Antony, Julia Soaemia, & other Roman leaders.",
"url": "https://ordzaar.com/marketplace/collections/fiart/mints",
"slug": "fiart",
"creator": {
"name": "Ordibooks",
"email": "[email protected]",
"address": "bc1p8yu996q986k7znve2r0px3jtyh5erfphenvxhvy0nlr5fn9kc0esd47ya9"
"royalty": {
"address": "3NiZg5TvHpCiMxHT1xhdnoX4DYqfFL9Asb",
"pct": 0
"publ": [
"insc": [
"iid": "Fiart Silver",
"lim": 5
Inscription number 72,439,417
Genesis block 851,448
File type json
File size 926 b
Creation date