{ "protocol": "BRC333", "operation": "oracle", "description": "This is a test oracle for the BRC333 protocol.", "messages": [ { "id": "welcome_goblin", "action": "add", "offset": 20, "stop": 30, "image": "9259a7d8a2294e173a8e3927e97799e5cb9c4f8a48ae7aa68a073416b2f4ddb7i0", "message": "Welcome to the Goblin Oracle for a different sat!" }, { "id": "welcome_goblin", "action": "update", "offset": 25, "stop": 30, "image": "ce56e1750b160cf89aef1a316a4f574591fbafc42bb1a06d3bcb17cd0c10f928i0", "message": "Updating the Gobline Oracle for a different sat and image!" }, { "id": "welcome3", "action": "update", "offset": 16, "stop": 20, "message": "Updated welcome3 message at offset 16 to stop 20." } ] }
Inscription number 75,490,169
Genesis block 859,894
File type json
File size 975 b
Creation date