{ "p": "vord", "v": 1, "ty": "col", "title": "Omni Elements", "desc": "Omni X is thrilled to introduce Elements, a creative omnichain NFT collection designed to reward Greg holders and help reach the broader Omni X community and NFT ecosystem. With a range of unique utilities, Omni Elements aims to expand our reach, strengthen the community, and provide exclusive incentives and opportunities for its holders. In this article, we will explore the plans and utilities of Omni Elements and how they can benefit Greg holders and the entire Omni X ecosystem.", "url": "https://ordzaar.com/marketplace/collections/elements/mints", "slug": "elements", "creator": { "name": "Perun", "email": "[email protected]", "address": "bc1p509keu79uscx58yys3tth2aqjeck4c7e4n69n0zrehqlk942vctsvmn5f8" }, "royalty": { "address": "bc1p509keu79uscx58yys3tth2aqjeck4c7e4n69n0zrehqlk942vctsvmn5f8", "pct": 0 }, "publ": [ "1ES7b3pcjRzFgyiiqLrxHKTnChe56LJHY7" ], "insc": [ { "iid": "Omni Elements", "lim": 100 } ] }
Inscription number 76,240,662
Genesis block 863,678
File type json
File size 950 b
Creation date