{ "subject": "Re: Always pay transaction fee?", "content": { "format": "html", "body": "<div class=\"post\">Currently, paying a fee is controlled manually with the -paytxfee switch.&nbsp; It would be very easy to make the software automatically check the size of recent blocks to see if it should pay a fee.&nbsp; We're so far from reaching the threshold, we don't need that yet.&nbsp; It's a good idea to see how things go with controlling it manually first anyway.<br/><br/>It's not a big deal if we reach the threshold.&nbsp; Free transactions would just take longer to get into a block.<br/><br/>I did a rough tally of 4000 blocks from around 74000-78000.&nbsp; This is excluding the block reward transactions:<br/><br/>There were average 2 transactions per block, 17 transactions per hour, 400 transactions per day.<br/><br/>Average transaction bytes per block was 428 bytes, or 214 bytes per transaction.<br/><br/>The current threshold is 200KB per block, or about 1000 transactions per block.&nbsp; I think it should be lowered to 50KB per block.&nbsp; That would still be more than 100 times the average transactions per block.<br/><br/>The threshold can easily be changed in the future.&nbsp; We can decide to increase it when the time comes.&nbsp; It's a good idea to keep it lower as a circuit breaker and increase it as needed.&nbsp; If we hit the threshold now, it would almost certainly be some kind of flood and not actual use.&nbsp; Keeping the threshold lower would help limit the amount of wasted disk space in that event.<br/></div>" }, "source": { "name": "Bitcoin Forum", "url": "https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=994.msg12237#msg12237" }, "date": "2010-09-08T17:30:14Z" }
Inscription number 18,209,386
Genesis block 799,364
File type json
File size 1.84 KB
Creation date